National flag statistics

Every national flag tells a story through its colors, shapes, and patterns. These designs are chosen with care, reflecting a country's history, culture, and values. This page lists some interesting statistics: which colors are most commonly used, which shapes like circles, triangles, suns, and moons stand out, and how many flags prefer stripes or designs like triband and tricolour.

Which colors are most commonly used on national flags?

151 flags

Red: 77%

137 flags

White: 69%

100 flags

Blue: 51%

85 flags

Yellow: 43%

82 flags

Green: 41%

42 flags

Black: 21%

9 flags

Orange: 4%

2 flags

Purple: 1%

0 flags

Brown: 0%

Which stripe orientation is the most common?

Stripes are the most popular design in national flags. They can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal and often represent a country's history or values.

99 flags

Horizontal stripes: 50%

36 flags

Vertical stripes: 18%

8 flags

Diagonal stripes: 4%

Which symbol is predominant on national flags?

Some symbols are more common on flags than others. These often represent shared histories, values, or universal themes, making them favorites for countries to showcase on their flags.

68 flags

Star: 34%

28 flags

Cross: 14%

23 flags

Triangle: 11%

22 flags

Circle: 11%

20 flags

Moon: 10%

18 flags

Sun: 9%

Triband vs Tricolour flags

A triband is a flag containing three stripes. These stripes may be horizontal or vertical, and may have two or three colours. The triband flags containing three colours are also called tricolours. All tricolour flags are tribands, but not all tribands are tricolour flags, which requires three unique colours. Let's see how many of the national flags are tribands and how many are tricolours:

70 flags

Triband: 35%

52 flags

Tricolour: 26%